When Puma Attacks! – Maledom Beatdown
featuring Perky Allie Parker vs the Predatory Masked Puma ~ Allie Parker has already had her ass handed to her by the Masked Puma once, but is determind to survive another match with him….well that doesn’t exactly go the way Allie wanted it as Puma once again shows his prowess and brutality in the ring as he beats, chokes, stomps, kicks, and viciously preys upon poor Allie’s tanned and toned body and stretches her painfully beyond mortal reality! Over 20 minutes of brutality in When Puma Attacks! – Maledom Beatdown!
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Allie Parker is a trained professional wrestler out of the bright lights, big city of Las Vegas, NV. With her “country girl” innocence about her, she knows how to definitely get into the Damsel in Distress mode for fantasy wrestling, but also has a “Mean Girl” vicious side, that comes out occassionally. Check out her “Lucha Girls Spotlight video” and get to know Allie Parker.
If you have a match that you think Allie would be perfect for, then please email us at Info@LuchaGirls.com and book her to fulfill your fantasy wrestling (or Boxing) match!