1639-Stay Between My Legs

1639-Stay Between  My Legs – Mixed Femdom Scissor Match!

Brooke shows Carlos that skinny girls have strong thighs too!

1639-Stay Between My Legs! – While on vacation in Montreal, we met a couple of locals who wanted to prove that they were tough!  Brooke, the somewhat of a snooty bitch, though cute Canadian states that she likes men between her thighs….squeezing men between her thighs to be more exact!  They meet in the ring and soon, this skinny bitch proves that all of her strength is in fact between her legs as she quickly gets the confident Carlos right where she wants him……right between her skinny little sticks, with his head pressed snugly against her cunt!  After some time she tires of that and decides he needs a lesson in ball busting and starts to stomp his balls and belly….poor Carlos never had a chance!  Hope he can get his revenge on this scrawny little bitch someday!  Buy Lucha Girls Wrestling’s1639-Stay Between My Legs!” and be the witness that even skinny bitches have powerful legs when needed!

To download via LGW’s Official Webstore ~ CLICK HERE

To download via LGW’s Clips4Sale store ~ CLICK HERE

Time Limit:  8 min         Format:  MP4

1639-Stay Between My Legs

1639-Stay Between My Legs


Ever want to Be the Booker or producer of your very own custom wrestling match?  We have pro trained and highly skilled wrestlers to fight just for you!  If you like the spicy Latina, we have the Sexy and Sassy Rosa coming to the Lucha Girls ring on Saturday August 27, 2016 and ready to battle it out with any male or female for your viewing pleasure!  Let Lucha Girls fulfill your wrestling fantasy by bringing it to an amazing full color reality!  Email Lucha Girls at Info@LuchaGirls.com today!