New at LGW – 1500-Vulcanas 1st Bra & Panty Match

Hello LGW Fans & Friends!

Still somewhat a green girl rookie in customs wrestling, the masked Vulcana is back at Lucha Girls and naively challenges veteran cougar Jennifer Thomas to a Strip to Bra and Panties match. Jennifer confidently accepts her challenge in 1500-Vulcanas 1st Bra& Panty Match – Stripdown Wrestling.

1500-Vulcana’s 1st Bra & Panty Match -Stripdown Wrestling

Vulcana vs Jennifer Thomas

Masked and mysterious Vulcana is feeling very confident in her wrestling ability and is making quite a name for herself.  But we think she may be a bit too cocky and confident when she challenges experienced veteran of the game Jennifer Thomas.  Now Jennifer has been around the block a time or two and can’t quite believe that this rookie is challenging her, but definitely accepts this easy challenge!  They start the match, testing each others prowess, though for every move Vulcana applies, Jennifer is quick to reverse it. Even with the hands on approach that Vulcana is using and teasing our muscular beauty with…..trying to grab her top, taking peeks in her shirt and grabbing her pants, all the while taunting Jennifer to see what color bra and panties she has under her workout clothes! Jennifer pretzels up Vulcana, locking her hands in and even applies her signature move, the booby trap!  But Vulcana seems to stay one step ahead. It appears that Vulcana just may win this match as she locks Jennifer in a tight Full Nelson and peels Jennifer’s top off…….even though there is a bra on her chest, this is a nipple slipping and peeking moment that embarasses our seasoned cougar fighter, while Vulcana loves it and savors her small victory! She goes for the pants, but Jennifer’s survivor mode must have kicked in as she now knows this is a fight for her virtue! She viciously goes after  our masked sassy girl and starts beating her all over the ring with punches, kicks to the belly and body busting stretches. Jennifer puts Vulcana in a modified Dragon Sleeper hold and whoops….off comes Vulcanas loose shirt. With her pretty blue and antique lace bra on display, its her turn to turn a bit catty and bitchy and she is determined to take Jennifer down, well at least her pants and win this damn match! But Jennifer has other plans for our masked beauty. She beats her down and applies a better head scissor than an anaconda on its prey and out goes Vulcana.  But Jennifer is not done with Vulcana and thinks an over the knee awakening and spanking is a good humiliating lesson! Download LGW’s 1500-Vulcanas 1st Bra N Panty Match – Stripdown Wrestling and watch all the nip slippin’ ass spankin’ action!

Time Limit ~ 15 min Format ~ MP4

To download via LGWs Official Clipstore ~ Click Here

To download via LGWs C4S Webstore ~ Click Here

All matches are performed by trained professional wrestlers, 18 years & older and with the full consent of all fighters

Our next shoot on October 21, 2019 is a Fetishy Fun Wrestling shoot featuring Jezabel Romo, Vivi Veracruz and making their return to LGW is Carmen Valentina and Vulcana! Book your match today!

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