A Chat with Mutiny – Pro vs Customs
If you are a Customs or Entertainment wrestler, than more than likely at one point or another, you have been judged by your “pro wrestling” peers about doing customs wrestling.
I, Jezabel Romo, have been in the Indy Pro Wrestling scene for over 14 years, in ring and as a promoter and let me tell you, I have been judged like a hussy on Judgement Day since 2010 when I started Lucha Girls Wrestling. You see, I started on the pro wrestling circuit, not knowing that there was a wonderfully fun and financially lucrative side of “entertainment wrestling” that presides within the pro wrestling world! A side where the girls (and guys) can make real money doing the same thing we all love to do……wrestle!! No, I don’t wrestle in front of a crowd but basically I do the same thing, but with a more fetishy twist….sometimes! And unfortunately, maybe its because I can honestly say that I make a good living at what I do or have more bookings and opportunities, I get judged by the ladies of “Pro Wrestling Only”. The general opinion is that if you are a customs wrestler than you are a porn or whore wrestler!
Do we not both get called and booked by a booker/promoter?
Told what type of match and time limit to do?
Informed of what the pay is? (though on the pro circuit the pay is $20-$50 per match vs customs at $200 and up per match)
Have the option to say yay or nay?
Its the same fucking thing! I have seen girls on live shows wear a hell of alot less clothing than what we sometimes wear, the nip/lip slips happen on both live shows and private matches, and we all have to deal with the same moves, matches and bumps and bruises!
Anyways, I can rant on and on about this, but recently we sat down with Pro & Customs wrestler Mutiny, the gorgeous Canadian Ass kicker to get her thoughts on the prejudices she has faced on the subject! So grab a drink, sit back and get to know Mutiny!
Mutiny is coming back to Lucha Girls Wrestling Oct 15-24, 2015 and is ready to fulfill all of your wrestling fantasies and dreams! Have a match that you would love to see Mutiny fight for you? Email us at Info@LuchaGirls.com Subject Line: Mutiny Match